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**Lampe Marina/Launch Ramps/Fish Cleaning Station will be closed for the season as of 11/1/24(Dock replacement begins).**

Located at the Foot of Port Access Road
Lat, Long: 42°08’53.92N, 80°04’33.35W

Thanks to a partnership with FishUSA and the S.O.N.S., a live webcam displays our Marina, Launch Ramps, and Fish Cleaning Station:

Lampe Marina Live Webcam | FishUSA

Lampe Marina Map

Click here to download applications.

Lampe Marina is a 253 slip marina located on the south shore of Lake Erie, just outside the channel to Presque Isle Bay.

lampe marina at sunrise

Amenities Onsite

  • Floating docks
  • Fuel dock (gasoline only) – open sunup to sundown
  • Pump out station
  • Public Fish Cleaning Station(in partnership with the PA Fish and Boat Commission and the S.O.N.S.)
  • Restrooms
  • Showers
  • Covered picnic shelters
  • FREE Public launch ramps
  •  24-hour security
lampe marina

Slips Sizes Available

Large vessels (24′ to 30′)
Medium vessels (20′ to 24′)
Small vessels (16′ to 20′)

Shore power is available at large and medium slips.

Nov. 1 – April 30: 814-455-7557

May 1 – October 31: 814-452-2371

Port of Erie: Opportunity in Every Direction